Creating an account
How to register on TradeSanta?
First, you need to visit the link:
Then you need to verify your e-mail address. You will receive the letter with instructions. In case you didn’t receive the letter, please check your spam folder, or contact our support.
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How to recover password?
- Click the link:;
- Insert your email address associated with TradeSanta account and press "Confirm";
- You’ll receive an email with a secure link from [email protected];
- Follow the link, create and confirm a new password;
- TradeSanta will notify you that the password has been changed successfully;
- Log in using your Username/e-mail and the new password.
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How many plans do you have and how do they differ?
- Basic plan with 49 bots max for $20/month;
- Advanced plan with 99 bots max for $40/month;
- Maximum plan with unlimited number of bots for $60/month.
You may see the latest features included with each pack here.
Please note: all new users get access to free trading bot with a 3-day trial Maximum pack.
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How to purchase a paid plan?
Follow these steps:
- Go to the settings tab and click “Top up”
- Select coin, network, and specify the sum in USD equivalent you want to deposit
- You will receive an address where you should send the sum in the currency you chose
- Visit the settings tab and click “Settings” in “Your plan” section
- Choose “Extend” or “Change plan”
- Confirm your choice
Which plan is right for me?
How long does it take to process the payment?
It may take from half an hour up to a day to process the payment.
Once the transaction is on the blockchain, it will still take a variable amount of time to confirm and post to the destination exchange. Different blockchains require different amounts of “confirmations” before the transaction is verified.
For more detailed explanation, please follow the link.