How to trade?
Here is a quick plan on what you have to do, to start trading cryptocurrencies with TradeSanta:
Sign up and verify your email.
Enable 2FA and check out our security tips;
Connect your crypto exchange to the account by creating an access point;
Setting up a trading bot:
- You should not start trading before you get acquainted with every single feature, option and strategy. You should understand what you are doing, other way you have a high risk of losing your deposit.
- Bot’s settings are very situational and depend on what you want from the crypto bot, so the only advice we can give is to use default settings and small volumes if you are not sure about what fits you best. To get the best results, conduct your own research. You can ask people in our telegram chat, our users share some of their strategies there. You can join our Telegram community here:
After you have completed all the steps above, you can turn on your bot and start trading.