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Crypto Market Overview

This section suggests review articles about the cryptocurrency market. There are price predictions, crypto bots overviews, and weekly crypto market analyses, which were published in 2019 and covered the most memorable crypto events, quotes, and price changes of the past week. Each report noted the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies, the price of top coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP.

Crypto Market Overview

Total Value Locked: What TVL Means In DeFi?

Decentralized Finance, commonly known as DeFi, has rapidly emerged as one of the most transformative and exciting sectors in the blockchain space. It has introduced novel financial applications and services that are built on smart contracts, allowing users to engage in various financial activities without…

Crypto Market Overview

Impermanent Loss in Crypto Explained

The volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market offers investors opportunities for substantial gains but also exposes them to potential risks. One of these risks is impermanent loss, a phenomenon commonly associated with providing liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). In this article, we will delve into…

Crypto Market Overview

What Is a Node in Crypto?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, nodes play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of blockchain networks. They are essential components that ensure decentralization, security, and consensus within the system. Understanding the concept of nodes is crucial for anyone seeking to grasp the…